O funcionário de uma fazenda na comunidade de Mosca, no Colorado (EUA), quase virou estatística ao alimentar um jacaré com 3,6 m de comprimento e 272 kg.
It's crazy how quickly doing an educational demonstration can turn dangerous. As you can see, Elvis wanted to eat the turkey Chad was offering. When the turkey didn't land in his mouth, Elvis was focused on where he saw movement. It's why whenever working with large reptile it's always good to have a backup with you! (and someone to record when it goes wrong). We want to thank Chris and Petra Newland and Claire Menegatti for sending in their videos. So many times visitors say they will send us a video and it never happens. These 3 are the real heroes for capturing this crazy event. And special thanks to Chad for pretending he was afraid and giving the viewers something fun to watch. He wasn't injured, and he promised to work on this turkey throwing aim.
“Quando o peru não pousou na boca dele, Elvis se concentrou onde via movimento”, diz a postagem no Facebook da fazenda.
Felizmente, o tratador não se feriu durante o incidente. De acordo com administradores do local, ele “prometeu trabalhar a mira para [melhorar] o arremesso de peru” na próxima oportunidade.
LEIA ABAIXO: Polícia resgata jacaré do tamanho de Ariana Grande em porão de casa
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