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Após invadir casas por mais de um ano e se livrar da pena de morte, urso gigante é capturado

Biólogos de Califórnia usaram testes de DNA para chegar a Hank, que foi salvo de ser sacrificado pela fama que obteve

Hora 7|Filipe Siqueira, do R7

Um grupo de biólogos e especialistas em vida selvagem capturou o urso conhecido como Hank the Tank (Hank, o Tanque), famoso por sua extensa ficha criminal. Hank é acusado de "152 ocorrências de conflito", inclusive 28 arrombamentos domésticos, na região de Lago Tahoe, na Califórnia, Estados Unidos.

O animal era procurado desde fevereiro de 2022, quando os relatos de suas ações começaram a crescer, e o malandro ganhou fama na internet.

Hank na verdade é uma fêmea e mãe de três filhotes
Hank na verdade é uma fêmea e mãe de três filhotes

Na época, com o aumento da gravidade das invasões, autoridades de vida selvagem chegaram a expedir uma "pena de morte" para Hank — um animal de 225 kg —, o que causou certa controvérsia entre entidades protetoras de animais.

A bear family the BEAR League knows well had a major emergency last night when one of the three cubs was hit by a car on a very busy street in South Lake Tahoe. Mama Bear ran back and forth across the street in a vain attempt to corral all her cubs together on the side of the road she needed to be on. Police were called but they didn’t know the family and that the Mama had three cubs, and after stopping traffic and guiding two babies to the other side, away from the abandoned injured cub, they said “mission accomplished”, opened the road back up and left…. with the Mama and two cubs on one side of the busy street and the hurt cub alone on the other. So the Mom promptly risked her life, again, and crossed back to gather up her remaining cub. Meanwhile, BEAR League got word and rushed to the scene, recognized the family (we have known them since the cubs were born this past winter). We got them all together and safely escorted them to the side of the road where they needed and wanted to be, and then ‘walked’ them into a safe wooded area where they could calm down and gather their strength to begin to recover. We went back to check on them early this morning and, although the cub is hurt, he can walk (with a limp) and the injuries should heal with some time and compassion. We are asking for input from the public anytime you see them. Let us know how they are doing. We are also out there watching over them but as they feel better and become more active we'll need everyone's eyes and ears on the ground. Our number is 530-525-7297. Special Thanks to BEAR League's Kathi and Riley for the footage and for jumping in immediately to help our little bear family.

Posted by BEAR League on Saturday, July 22, 2023

Investigações mais aprofundadas, com análise de DNA, começaram a mudar a sorte de Hank — os estudos mostraram que ele não era o responsável por todos os casos que lhe eram atribuídos, mas ganhara a fama da ação de outros dois animais.

Como Hank ficara famoso, muitos possivelmente o culparam por invasões de outros ursos em ação na região.

This video was taken by a security camera on Balboa Drive in the Tahoe Keys this past Thursday afternoon. Obviously, this is the world renown ‘Hank the Tank’---so named by the wonderful and much appreciated officers from the South Lake Tahoe Police Department. As everyone knows, Hank is being targeted for death by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (DFW). The BEAR League is vehemently opposed to this plan, and we are frantically working to save his life by reaching out to various wildlife sanctuaries in hopes of finding him a safe home. Hank hangs out in the Keys quite often because he has been continuously rewarded with food stored in unsecured garages (the Key’s management has not allowed bear boxes because they deem them ‘unsightly’). As Hank grew to his current enormous size---as you can tell, he eats well---he started going into houses, first by entering through unlocked doors and windows and then by using his size to easily push those barriers out of his way. He can no longer be allowed to remain free, clearly. The BEAR League has talked to the directors of three sanctuaries who have told us they are willing to work with the DFW and, hopefully, help get Hank off the streets and into a good home. We have given this information to the supervisors within the DFW who are tasked with trapping and killing Hank. So far, they have not reached out to any of the sanctuaries to discuss this dire situation. We don’t know why. The good news is: the trap has been removed, as of over a week ago, and has not been reset. But Hank is still going into homes, this is Not good news. The phones at the BEAR League have been ringing continuously with calls from literally all over the world. And our inbox is overflowing with hundreds of emails, also from around the globe. Everyone is expressing their horror over the plans to kill Hank. We haven’t talk to or heard from a single person who thinks the bear deserves to die. After all, he is only answering the ring of the dinner bell, as all bears do. Everyone wants to know how they can help…many want to send us money. We have enough money to handle all the expenses should Hank be allowed to go to a sanctuary. What we are asking for, instead, are prayers, positive thoughts, fingers and toes crossed, telepathically encouraging the DFW to save Hank….whatever 😊 …. talk to your Power Animal, let’s get them involved, too. Call the DFW and politely ask them not to kill Hank (916-358-2900... please be nice to the phone receptionist). The media is also asking us to talk about Hank, and we did at first, but then we decided it might be better to step back and give the DFW a chance to come up with a plan that doesn’t involve killing this bear. And perhaps they are indeed working on that, we can only hope. (We agree with the DFW that relocation to a bear habitat elsewhere in the wild is not an option…for many reason). We are writing this to let you all know some of the behind-the-scenes activity and to ask you to please understand why we haven’t been able to get back to all of you. It’s just physically impossible due to the huge number of correspondences coming in…. we are listening, tho. And we will not give up or rest until Hank is Safe. Thank you, Everyone, for caring so deeply about this friendly big bear. You give us hope for a compassionate future for all wildlife. Your encouragement, ongoing support, and kind words keep us going…. For the bears. Sincerely, Ann Bryant/BEAR League Director PS. Please, if you comment, do so respectfully, we’ll remove any overtly-harsh comments directed towards the DFW. PPS. Hank did not enter this particular house, thankfully.

Posted by BEAR League on Sunday, February 20, 2022

A captura, realizada na sexta-feira (4), foi do verdadeiro Hank — oficialmente conhecido pelo código "Urso 64F" — que não é macho, como apontado anteriormente, mas uma fêmea e mãe de três filhotes. Oficialmente, o currículo dela também é mais modesto: 21 invasões confirmadas por exames genéticos.

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Segundo o Departamento de Pesca e Vida Selvagem da Califórnia, o animal foi "imobilizado com segurança", com o auxílio de um dardo tranquilizante. Normalmente, em casos de "ursos conflituosos" e muito habituados a comer comida em residências humanas, o sacrifício é adotado como medida final.

Mas a fama salvou Hank, que será transferida para um santuário especializado no Colorado, assim que receber autorização. Segundo as autoridades, o "interesse generalizado" no animal foi o responsável pelo esforço de realocar a mãe e os três filhores em reabilitação natural.

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